
Thank you for checking out my blogs each day. I do try to post every day but my personal life does get in the way sometimes. My goal is to post on my blogs each day. Don't forget to subscribe and share this blog!


Friday, September 7, 2018

Tempting fate.

I know Jax wants the kids to be homeschooled but there is not enough time in the day to do everything needed for them. I just hope he is in a good enough mood and says he's okay with them going to public school. Plus this will give me time to work on my painting and I want to get into floral arrangements. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Rough day

Apparently being the son of the late owner of the company means even though you're not the CEO they dump a bunch of crap on you about how your dad did things when he was in your current position. Needless to say, I need a night to my self to calm down. I don't want to snap at the family.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Quiet time in the garden

Oh, how I love to be out in my garden taking care of it. It's so peaceful and quiet out here giving me a chance to be alone for a little bit before going back into the craziness of the manor.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Thoughts while cooking

I really need to get both Victoria and Drake in the kitchen and teach them how to cook. Turns out Jax wasn't to bothered by the amount of the bills but I know deep down he was freaking out. One of the Bloodstone traits is not showing how you really feel in certain situations.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Making money

Even though I stay at home with the kids I want to help out the family. My way of doing that is selling my paintings.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Learning to be responsible

I was walking by and spotted Drake washing dishes after eating dinner. I was so proud of him I had to tell his dad who was pretty proud as well. I do think we as parents are doing something right with him.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

I got stuck on my project

I swear I have read these instructions a million times and for some reason I am stuck. I was going to ask for help but everyone is busy so I guess I am on my own tonight.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lunch with my best friend

Even though we spend all day together he still doesn't mind having me sit with him while we eat lunch. Mrs. Cassie would have a field day if she knew we were eating popcorn. Just chatting away talking about the future.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Taking a quick break

As always we were working on our projects and I needed a bathroom break before continuing my project. Walking by Drakes I told him that his project was looking really good and it pays off to work carefully.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Look who decided to stop by

After Jason died we buried him at his home. He has decided that he wanted to visit as a ghost unfortunately at night so Victoria won't be able to see him. Perhaps when she's older and stays up later she may see him or perhaps on the weekends.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Little artist

With everything Mrs. Cassima has me doing I love drawing the most. It is so much fun. Anything I come up with in my head I draw into pictures on paper.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Cooler house, happy family

Jax finally had an air conditioning system installed into the manor. Now it will be much cooler in the house and we won't be sweating to death during the day when it heats up outside,

Friday, July 20, 2018

Call me Mr. Jax Fix-it

One of the many things I now have to take over is fixing stuff when it breaks. This happened when we had to let our staff go but we did manage to hire a maid to help since the manor is so big. Once Drake gets older I will have to teach him how to fix stuff to help me out.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hanging in the shade

I wanted to draw but when I sat down I could not come up with anything so I thought some cloud gazing would be nice. Unfortunately were in the middle of a heat wave so I wanted to stay in the shade of the manor. Don't want to lay on burning hot stone or bake in the grass.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Time alone

We have been so busy with work and the kids that we had forgotten about our relationship. Well, its time we take time to be alone together. Don't think I need to spell it out for you.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Time for typing!

After my lessons, I wanted to work on my typing skill. So I tracked Jax down and asked if I could use one of the computers and he said yes! I didn't know there were such fun games surrounding the typing skill!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Time to science!

Today I wanted to work on the chemistry set. The last time did not go so well mom and dad spent ages cleaning the soot off the walls. I am praying that I don't mess up again. Vic would be proud to see me manage to make a potion and not blow anything up!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The house is fixed!

Earlier I wanted to play with the dollhouse but someone had broken it. I told Jax about it and he must have fixed it for me. I think I can do this living with them and not having my dad around anymore.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Music practice

Mom wants us both to learn an instrument. I chose the violin and it turns out its a bit harder to learn than I thought. I wonder if Victoria is having as much trouble as I am.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Reading time

The Bloodstones have been so nice to me since my dad died. Cassima has even started reading to me which is what my dad used to do. Jax decided to join in story time. Maybe I  just might be ok.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Sometimes I wonder about him

I get up early to make everyone breakfast. What is my wonderful husband doing? He is eating popcorn! He knows I make breakfast every day and how unhealthy that is to eat in the morning. I swear he drives me up the wall sometimes. At least I won't be sluggish later in the day.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Dinner with Jax

You would think I was in trouble eating alone with Jax. Thankfully I was not. It was nice to eat with him. Sure it was a bit quiet but that's okay. I am still working on my grief from losing my dad and Jax has treated me as if I was his own blood.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

World destroyed

Today I was going to go play upstairs with the dollhouse that Jax bought for me. Keyword was. When I got upstairs I found the house in ruins. Someone had broken it into a bunch of pieces. How am I going to tell Jax and not get blamed for it.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Working late night

Well if I am going to be working my way to the top of the company my father created there will be times when I need to work late. I hope that the kids and Cassima understand. This home is expensive to live in and we need all the money we can get our hands on.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Time for Drake

Earlier Drake came up to me asking if I could read to him. I told him once he got his school work done we could sit down and read together. It was a nice break from my normal routine. I will have to do this every day with the kids. Victoria is next.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Bad grades

As if things could not get worse, mom got my grades in from the school system and I am failing. Time to start working harder.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

My new room

Mrs. Cassima was nice enough to let me pick out what I wanted for my room. She chose this room because of the hidden door in the bookcase. If I get scared I can use the right book and get into Drakes room.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Its not the same

Nothing is the same now that dad is gone. He used to help me with my homework when he was home. Drake has been really helpful sitting with me so I am not alone. I'm glad they buried him by our house so I can visit him there instead of the crypt under the house. The crypt is creepy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Part of the family

Mr. Jax told me when he got home that I am a part of his family now. They tried to adopt me but they were told no but are allowed to be my guardians. I have a home to live in, it could be worse. I have guardians that care about me. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Not what I expected

Vic helped me finish my project but it was not as I expected it to be. When it said it was a bridge I thought it might be a bit bigger. Oh well better luck next time.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Lending a helping hand

I had finished my project early and realized Drake was quieter than normal. I walked over asking him if he needed help. He was quiet for a moment before saying yes. I sat down and helped him get finished. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The things I do

I swear the things they want me to do for a promotion. I have to get my charisma up if I want to advance in my job. Becoming the CEO is going to be harder than I thought.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Jax nap

I do not know how my father managed everyday. I am no where near where he was and I need to lay down after work. You would think my current job is not going to wear me out but I was very wrong. And I thought being a guard for my dad was tiring.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Another great project done

I was not sure how the kids would respond to the new projects we now have. When we decided to home school them we had to come up with creative ways to help the kids learn different subjects. Jake was the one who suggested these projects. Jax loved the idea so much he bought up a bunch for them to work with. Turns out the kids love it.
(I realize that I have been calling Victorias dad by the wrong name this whole time.)

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Time for a nap

Now that Jason passed away I don't have an extra pair of hands to help me with the kids. I was so tired from running around I had to take a nap before lunch. Thankfully the kids get along really well I don't have to worry to much about them.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Keeping my self busy

With some help from Mrs. Cassie I got my volcano project done. It was nice having her and Mr. Jax there to help us. It kept my mind off things. I don't know if I will ever be able to get over his death. With their help I may not be able to get over it but be able to move on.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Helping out

 I spoke with my wife about what has happened. The death of Victoria's father. She could not be left alone in the world so we decided to take her in. I could not and will not separate my son from his best friend. For now Cassie and I are helping the kids with their projects in hopes of taking their minds off things for a while.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Funeral (Trigger Warning)

Mr. Jax wasted little time in getting dad buried. He did not want his spirit to be in a state of unrest. Mrs. Cassima said that we should bury him by the house near the tree he and my mom used to sit under all the time. At least I can visit him any time I want to. I'm really going to miss him.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A sad day at Bloodstone Manor (Trigger Warning)

I had just finished my school work for Mrs. Cassie and she comes up to me telling me that my daddy passed away. Now I truly am alone in this world. Yea, I do have the my best friend and his parent's but I don't have my daddy. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Scared child

I don't get it. I was told that mom and my grandmother put a spell on the house so that I would not get nightmares or think there were monsters in the house. Perhaps they said that in order to get me to sleep when I was younger. Either way time to wake up a parent to deal with the monster!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cute Robot

I know it isn't much but I love my little robot! Its my first project and I did it with out any help! Now I wonder where all our projects are going to be displayed. Maybe in Cassies work room.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Slightly jealous

I was a bit jealous when Vic got the rocket, the science box but  I have to say the castle turned out pretty cool. It helps to work carefully and ask for help when you need it! Can't wait to see Vics project when shes done.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

work, work more work

Each day Mrs Cassima bring out a new box with a project inside. I do love getting these boxes. Today I got the science box and cant wait to get started. I think it might be a robot or perhaps a rocket. I hope they decide to display them after we get done with them. She did say if we needed any help to find her or one of the guys.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Perks of homeschool

For reasons unknown to us my mom decided that I and Victoria are to be home schooled. I don't know if its a rich kid thing or what but I don't mind it at all. I get to hang out with my best friend all day and work on projects with her. Sometimes when we really don't want to do our daily work we hide and mom has to come find us. Instead of her getting mad she made a game out of it.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My first day back

Well today is my first day back to work after my fathers passing. If it was not for Cassima I don't think I would be able to make it through the day. Time to head off to the mail room and quickly work my way up to the top so the company he worked so hard to build does not come falling down around me.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Terrified daughter

It is not often Victoria comes running to me in the middle of the night scared out of her mind but tonight she did. Time for dad to become hero of the night. Ages ago I was sitting talking with Jax and Cassima about the kids and there nightmares. Cassima came up with a "Monster spray". It was a great idea and turns out it works on both kids! A Mix of lavender water and very fine glitter. Calms them down so they can go back to sleep. Not sure if there really is a monster but the kids think there is.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I woke up terrified. I did not know what to do at first I was so scared I could not move. Time to get dad so he can spray under my bed for the monster. Man its going to be hard to go back to bed afterwards. Maybe he will let me sleep in his bed tonight.

(Authors notes: I am back from vacation and recovering from type b flu. If I miss some days I am sorry. Please bear with me as I recover from this curse.)