
Thank you for checking out my blogs each day. I do try to post every day but my personal life does get in the way sometimes. My goal is to post on my blogs each day. Don't forget to subscribe and share this blog!


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Reading time

The Bloodstones have been so nice to me since my dad died. Cassima has even started reading to me which is what my dad used to do. Jax decided to join in story time. Maybe I  just might be ok.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Sometimes I wonder about him

I get up early to make everyone breakfast. What is my wonderful husband doing? He is eating popcorn! He knows I make breakfast every day and how unhealthy that is to eat in the morning. I swear he drives me up the wall sometimes. At least I won't be sluggish later in the day.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Dinner with Jax

You would think I was in trouble eating alone with Jax. Thankfully I was not. It was nice to eat with him. Sure it was a bit quiet but that's okay. I am still working on my grief from losing my dad and Jax has treated me as if I was his own blood.