
Thank you for checking out my blogs each day. I do try to post every day but my personal life does get in the way sometimes. My goal is to post on my blogs each day. Don't forget to subscribe and share this blog!


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Thoughts while cooking

I really need to get both Victoria and Drake in the kitchen and teach them how to cook. Turns out Jax wasn't to bothered by the amount of the bills but I know deep down he was freaking out. One of the Bloodstone traits is not showing how you really feel in certain situations.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Making money

Even though I stay at home with the kids I want to help out the family. My way of doing that is selling my paintings.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Learning to be responsible

I was walking by and spotted Drake washing dishes after eating dinner. I was so proud of him I had to tell his dad who was pretty proud as well. I do think we as parents are doing something right with him.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

I got stuck on my project

I swear I have read these instructions a million times and for some reason I am stuck. I was going to ask for help but everyone is busy so I guess I am on my own tonight.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lunch with my best friend

Even though we spend all day together he still doesn't mind having me sit with him while we eat lunch. Mrs. Cassie would have a field day if she knew we were eating popcorn. Just chatting away talking about the future.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Taking a quick break

As always we were working on our projects and I needed a bathroom break before continuing my project. Walking by Drakes I told him that his project was looking really good and it pays off to work carefully.