
Thank you for checking out my blogs each day. I do try to post every day but my personal life does get in the way sometimes. My goal is to post on my blogs each day. Don't forget to subscribe and share this blog!


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Work, work and more work

Don't get me wrong I love Cassie but she gives way to much homework! We already have to work on projects during the day then she gives us a new homework book everyday! It beats being sent back to that school again. I'm glad I don't have to deal with them anymore.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Ugh!!! Homework!

Have I told you how much I hate doing homework? Mom home schools Victoria and myself. Why does she have to give us homework!? Oh well. At least I have plenty of adults around to help me when I get stuck. I can not wait to be an adult and not have to do homework ever again!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Dinner time!

Since my father in law passed away I saw no need to have staff here at the house. It is not full like it used to be. There are only six people here, two of which are kids. I know people are gasping but do not worry. I helped each staff member find a new job that they wanted and would pay them the same as we paid them or better. Plus I love cooking for my family. I hope I can get Victoria to like cooking.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Playing with dad

I am one lucky girl. Before when dad was a guard for Mr. Bloodstone he always made sure to make time to play with me no matter how tired he was. When he was super tired I made it a point not to bug him to play. Those times he would collapse in bed still dressed I would curl up with him for the night which he seemed to not mind.  I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Welcome wagon?

Seems like the welcome wagon is a bit late. We have lived in the same manor for centuries and now they decided to show up. Oh well gives us a chance to meet some of the neighbors we have not met yet. I'm sure Cassima will love to have people around. It has been to quiet around lately with just us and the kids.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Jason Stone

Being a single father is not an easy task. You would think it wouldn't but it is. After my wife died shortly after having Victoria I was at a loss on how to even keep this tiny baby alive. Thankfully Cassima just gave birth a month earlier and was still nursing. She offered to nurse Victoria which I agreed to. She really has been like a mother to her and I am so glad that she has her as a mother figure in her life.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Really Jax?!

(Apologies for the walls being down. I try to keep them up)

My husband may be very intelligent but sometimes I wonder about him. It could be the stress of having to keep up the manor and help keep the village going. It does not help that he is starting at the bottom of the company and his dad having passed away. But really Jax? Why are you moping the garden after I have watered my plants?

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Playing with Drake

 For some odd reason Drake really wanted to play with the puppet theater. It has been a while since we used it. I had forgotten how funny he can be. Today he decided to recreate one of our lessons when Cassima was a bit silly that day. I can not imagine not having him or his parents around. We had gotten our school work done early so Cassima allowed us to play for the rest of the day while she did things around the house.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Meet the Stones

Hi! My name is Victoria and this handsome guy beside me is my dad Jake.  Mr. Jax's dad hired my dad when he was a teenager to be a guard for the estate and a place to live. Unfortunately my dad has to raise me on his own but Mrs. Cassima helps him out. He told me that my mom died shortly after I was born and not long after Drake my best friend was born. So Mrs. Cassima decided to help him take care of me in the early days.  Mrs. Cassima home schools me along side with Drake. Now Mr. Jax does not need a guard dad has decided to become an athlete.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Meet The Bloodstones

Hello! My name is Drake Bloodstone. Sitting beside me is my beautiful mother Cassima and on the other side is my father Jax. We live in Bloodstone Manor which has been in the family for generations. My mom stays home caring for me and helping our friend Jake care for his daughter who live in a small house on the Manor grounds. Mom has her own garden house where she tends to her plan'ts and creates remedies while dad is working towards becoming CEO of the family company. Grandpa recently died not long after dad got his job so this should be interesting. For now both I and Victoria my best friend are home schooled and our parents help when they can.